Sunday, December 6, 2020

Oh UFO, Where Are You?

How many UFOs do you have? I have a fair number, but I think I have more UFOs that are quilt tops waiting to be quilted than semi-pieced projects. That's definitely where I get clogged up in the project pipeline. 

Today's prompt in the 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge is "Oldest UFO." My oldest UFO is a textbook example of why you should start a BOM when you purchase it and not put it off. It's a New York Beauty BOM from 2006. I think I'm about 12 blocks in ? With 18 and a heck of a pieced border still to go. 

And...drumroll...I can't even find the blocks I have finished. I spent more time than I'd care to admit looking for them today. And.I.still.can't.find.them. When I do, my plan is to use the blocks I have done in some type of Gwen Marston-inspired improv medallion quilt because I'm kind of over the full NYB quilt. :) 

So that BOM you signed up for last month? Start it now so it's not staring at you 14 years later.

But until I find my blocks, here are two other old-ish UFOs on my to-do list.

First, some years ago for my birthday, a good friend bought me a beautiful blue batik jelly roll. I started making log cabin blocks based on a quilt I saw in American Patchwork & Quilting. I need to get back to these! 

Second, my Opposite Directions quilt is made using quick corners. Which means plenty of paired triangles (aka future HSTs) left over to play with. 

Like these:

For a while I sewed these HSTs as leaders and enders, but as you can see above, I still have plenty to sew. Look at all the potential with these HSTs! So many ways to lay these out...

So I'm thinking after the holidays, I'll move these two up the to-do list. Right? I hope so. I'm sure there won't be any new quilts distracting me by then. :) 

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