Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Machine Quilting: Knowing My Limits

 Today's prompt for the 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge is Skills I Wish I had. Since time travel and the ability to clone myself seem a little far fetched, I'm going to go with machine quilting. 

The smaller the quilt and the simpler the design, the better I do. I have aspirations of fancy swirls and point-perfect echo quilting, and sometimes even perfectly straight lines, but for the moment I tailor my quilting plans to designs I think I can successfully achieve. 

Hello, stipple, straight lines, and curvy lines. :) 


It is fun to branch out and practice, particularly on smaller quilts that are easier to maneuver. 

Here are a few of my quilting highlights:

Lots of logs on Echo:

And on ZuZu Squares:

And Rainbow Star Crossing:

Do you see a theme? Confined spaces, mostly strips. I need boundaries!

I also spend plenty of time admiring other people's quilting skills and if I want a quilt to look really fabulous, I send it to Diane, my machine quilter. :) 

She quilted by first Wonk Around the Block quilt: 
I love the swirls she put in the background of my wonky star center.

And all the different details here:

And ZuZu Squares:

And the rainbow version of Opposite Directions. Simple straight lines, but stunning! (and way straighter than mine would have been!)

I'm getting ready to quilt a new version of Wonk Around the Block. Any suggestions on how I should quilt it? Let me know in the comments.

If you like what you've seen here, you can also find me:
To find all of my quilt patterns, visit my Etsy shop
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