The Great Lakes Modern Quilt Guild meets in person every other month. To keep us busy during the off months, we hold an online activity. A block is chosen (that's actually part of my role in the guild--to choose the block for this activity--such a fun "duty"!), and anyone who wants to participate makes one (or more) block(s), posts them on Facebook, and then brings them to the following month's meeting. One lucky person wins the drawing and goes home with a quilt full of blocks. You may remember that I won last September's improv herringbone blocks and stitched them into this quilt.
I'm catching up here, so I have a couple month's worth of blocks to share:
First, the tipsy stacks block (this first photo is oriented the wrong way to understand the name...check out the second block, with turquoise, for the name to make more sense).
The color rules: Use black and white fabric with shades of a single color in the center.
Find the guild post about this block (including link to the tutorial) here.
Second, the "X Marks the Spot" block.
The color rules: shades of gray for the background, a solid for the "X" and a coordinating print for the center square.
Find the guild post about this block (including the link to the tutorial) here.
This awesome spiderweb block is the online activity for our September meeting. We held a text fabric swap at our July meeting, and those fabrics make up the center of the block. The rest is just scraps. Can't wait to see all of these blocks together, going home with one lucky winner!
Find the guild post about this block (including link to the tutorial) here.
I think this last block design is going to be in particularly high demand at the next meeting...I've heard that everyone is hoping to win these!