Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lurking in my studio...

...is a quiet, nagging monster.* It's been peeking over my shoulder all day, tormenting me, beckoning me. I can't decide whether to run and hide or suck it up and tackle it. Especially since the alternative is painting my bedroom. What is it, you ask?

Yep. My wonky log cabin quilt top is finished. And pin basted, with not nearly enough pins. But I used all that I had--I haven't quilted my own projects since, oh, about 2000. I prefer to pay other people for the privilege of doing it for me. :)

But, I need this one finished fairly soon, and after reading these tips at Tall Grass Prairie Studio, I was convinced I could tackle some straight line quilting. And since it's Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story, I thought I could post about it, share it, and create some accountability to keep working on it!

So far I've broken my thread twice and sewed 12". I've also remembered why I usually shell out money for this service. Don't get me wrong--I love machine quilting, and I'd love to be better at it, and I know this is how to start. So I am. But painting the bedroom is looking better and better!

*There's also a family of squirrels living in the attic above my studio, but that's another story for another day.


  1. The quilt looks great - I made a scrappy log cabin quilt recently that looked similar. I definitely don't enjoy quilting the big quilts on my machine as much as I do the baby quilts!

  2. I love the quilt, and can totally relate to machine-quilting frustration. Stick with it though! I know you can do it! Best of luck!
