Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Goal: Quilt for My New Nephew!

It's the first week of April, and time to name my April goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes. I had an easy decision this month--my newest nephew will be here before the end of the month. I'm having the quilt machine quilted by someone else, so my goal is to piece the top.

The nursery is gray and navy, and my sister-in-law: a) didn't want the quilt to be real cutesy or baby-ish, and b) wanted to be surprised rather than having input on the fabric/design. Works for me! 

I had a hard time finding "the" perfect fabric. Then, two weeks ago, I ran into Marcia Derse's fabrics at Patched Works in Milwaukee. I've been drooling over her designs for several years but hadn't ever purchased any. My search was over! I love it. It is definitely not baby-ish. I hope she loves it, though I've told her that it's pretty far out there, as far as a baby quilt, and made her promise that if she didn't like she'd tell me (cause I'd happily keep it myself and make her something else!).

I also bought a quilt book that day, which I rarely do. Much of the time, I like to either do my own thing or work loosely off a pattern. But when I saw Kim Schaefer's new book, Cozy Modern Quilts, I fell in love. There are many quilts in it I'd love to make, so it was worth the purchase!

Here's the quilt I picked, and I already have my fabric cut! Woo hoo! Can't wait to see it come together.   And then the bonus--meeting my new nephew!


  1. Congratulations on the newest family member. I think that quilt is going to be great!

  2. yes of course you are Lisa....I remembered your blog immediately....and your nephew has chosen a great family to be born in... I am sure you will whip another fine quilt...

  3. Congrads on the new addition to the family. The quilt is going to great as all you work is.

  4. Love that pattern, and I can't wait to see how you put it together. It will be awesome!
