Monday, March 1, 2021

2021 Monthly Color Challenge - March!

I'm participating in the Monthly Color Challenge this year, created by Patterns by Jen
Jen has designed a block (in two sizes) and chosen a color/vegetable combo for each month. 
I'm pairing her color choices with a scrappy low-volume background.
Sign up to get block instructions at Patterns by Jen.

The color/vegetable combo for March is red/orange and Yam. Here's my block.

I don't have any yam recipes, but I'm going with sweet potato, which is close enough (I think, right?!). I'm a huge fan of sweet potato fries. I like to make them at home, and I like to bake them rather than fry them (less messy and healthier-ish). These are delicious. Are you a regular potato or sweet potato fry fan? 

Make sure to check out all the other March bloggers and their blocks:

Here's a look back at my previous two blocks:
January - Eggplant

February - Lemon

Remember to link your blocks each month to Jen’s post so that you qualify for the quarterly prizes! 

Many thanks to the first quarter sponsors:

monthly color challenge prize sponsors

If you're new here, welcome! I hope you'll stay and look around a bit. 
If you like what you've seen here, you can also find me:
To find all of my quilt patterns, visit my Etsy shop
Find me on IG here.
Find me on Facebook here.
Sign up for my newsletter in the right-hand sidebar or here
(You'll receive a free pattern for my Diamond Drama quilt (below) as a thank you!)


  1. Visiting to see your 2021 Color Challenge blocks. I really like your low volume fabrics. They add a feel of texture to the blocks.

  2. Visiting to see your 2021 Color Challenge blocks. I really like your low volume fabrics. They add a feel of texture to the blocks.
