Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Quilts in Peril: Ribbon Weave

This is the second in my new weekly mini video series - Quilts in Peril! 
We could all use a little more humor right now. Read the backstory here.

I'll be posting a Quilts in Peril video each Wednesday for the foreseeable future. 
Each video will be accompanied by a short sale for the featured quilt pattern, so watch for your favorite! 

Visit my Etsy shop here.
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Disclaimer: Beyond a couple needing a wash afterwards, no quilts (or kids) were harmed in the making of these videos. 

Don't miss the other Quilts in Peril videos!
ZuZu Squares on Fire

Ribbon Weave Falls from a Tree (x3!)
Twirled Squares Takes a Spill

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