Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A, B, C...September ALYOF

I completed my ALYOF September goal--to sew fabric letters and a drawstring bag to hold them for my nephew--and mailed them off today. His birthday was on the 23rd, so they are late, but he's 2 and won't care. Besides, I actually have a good excuse. I made the last-minute decision to head to my sister's house (4+ hours away) with my 3 little guys so that we could attend the birthday party. This meant that the days I had planned to sew the letters, I was actually visiting the birthday by instead. I'll take an in-person visit over a timely birthday present any day!

Here are the letters:
(the letters in the lower left show the backing fabric--rows of cars)

And the drawstring bag (isn't this the perfect fabric for a bag that holds letters?!):
Clearly the bag didn't get ironed...

And the whole colorful pile of letters and the bag!

I'm thinking that Santa will be bringing my nephew quilted numbers for Christmas to complete the set!