Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday: It's all about the mod baby!

My sister's baby shower was last night (yay!) so I'm finally able to share photos of what I made her. And, even better, because frankly a boppy cover and hooter hider are not that exciting, I have photos of the gorgeous quilt my mom made for her. This is going to be one stylish mama/baby pair!

p.s. Scroll to the bottom for a photo of the cutest pregnant girl ever!

My sister doesn't know if she's having a girl or a boy, so she wanted something fairly gender neutral, but not cutesy. I chose this great Lark print from Amy Butler for the boppy cover, and another Amy Butler print, Midwest Modern, for the hooter hider. (And if you're not familiar with the term "hooter hider," yes, it is exactly what it sounds like, for breastfeeding.) 
 I wanted prints that would go together without looking excessively matchy. I may be skirting the line a bit on the "matchy" part, but I loved both fabrics.

 Are you admiring my lovely invisible zipper? I admit that the only part to admire about it is how well it matches the fabric. Inserting it into the boppy was a disaster, and it's not terribly invisible, so it's good that it matches so well. This hole is one of four that I discovered after stitching the fabric's raw edge to the zipper. I learned my lesson though--bigger seam allowance next time!
And then I learned another lesson the hard way. Shortcuts are great. Self-created shortcuts, not so much. I couldn't be bothered to print a boppy pattern off the Internet and tape all those pieces together, so I decided I'd simply trace my own (recently retired) boppy cover. It didn't go so well. Extra fabric in, let's face it, all the curved parts created a not-so-snug fit.
So I tried another self-created shortcut to fix it. With the cover on the boppy form, I simply pinned how I wanted the boppy to fit on the inside of the "C" shape. There was no way I was redoing that #$#$*(#$)%# zipper! I removed the cover, turned it inside out, and stitched a basting stitch, roughly following those pins. Happily, this shortcut worked and I was able to resew the line with a regular stitch, trim the excess, and have a fairly snug boppy. Whew. The other good news--the shower was Thursday night. I was actually doing this Tuesday night, so I had an entire extra day/night of wiggle room!

And now, on to the quilt that my mom made. My sister requested a (gender neutral) non-baby quilt. I helped mom choose the fabrics--24 different ones, I think--and she created this quilt. Gorgeous, isn't it? I want one!

She even fancies up the back with a pieced section.
And seriously, how adorable is my sister and her preggo belly? Have you ever seen a cuter one? To repeat an overused expression, it's like she swallowed a basketball! She loved the quilt, and we can't wait to meet this little one in September!

Linking up to show off all the mod baby fun at Confessions of a Fabric Addict's Can I get a whoop whoop!

p.s. Do you want to join my Shades of Grey Charm Square Fabric Swap? Click here for more information!


  1. Awesome quilt that your Mom made. And I love the name hooter hider-too funny.

  2. Sorry you had so much trouble with the boppy pillow. It does take up a bit of time to print a pattern off sometimes especially if you have to search for one online first!

    Cute quilt and I love that the design will grow with your sister's baby.

    Cute pregnant lady too!;)

  3. Adorable cover and boppy! I LOVE the fabric!

  4. I love your boppy and hooter hider (that is a hoot and I never heard of it before!). And your mom's quilt is gorgeous (and yes, so is your sister)!

  5. Yep, she sure is adorable. :D Love the fabrics for the hooter hider/boppy cover.

  6. Very cool baby stuff - and the fabrics are perfect!!! Whoop whoop!!

  7. Very awesome gifts you and your mom made ! your sister looks as cute as cute can be !

    1. Does anyone can suggest about some useful websites for getting a hooter hider with free shipping? I stay in Hawaii and it's not easily possible to buy hooter hider without paying a fortune in shipping charges.

      hooter hider
